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Friday, August 7, 2009
I do suppose you can ignore the previous post. It was written in a fit of 'emo-ness.' My new url: Classifiedmusings.blogspot.com . The same rules apply though. It's still my journal and you are NOT allowed to spread anything. Comprehendo?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I am shifting. ms-potato-nissy will exist no more. I'm not posting the new url here. Ask me yourself if you want it. I cannot gurantee that I'll tell you though. The new blog is only for trusted people. It's my really private journal cause typing is easier than writing and wasting notebook pages. So yes, my deepest thoughts and ideas are there. Ask me for the url in the tagboard but I must repeat...I might not tell some of you my url. Well, thanks.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
()-.-() My god...school's reopening soon and I haven't sorted anything out yet....stress* I need a haircut.... do a poster and proposal for current affairs...mounting for the stamp collection competition...English meaning hw....sorting out of files...cleaning of room...studying for everything...rewriting notes...arghhh!!!! There's only 1 day left!!!!! Damn It.... Alright then...this somewhat meaningless post is to summarise what I did during the June hols and for my plans for THIS MONDAY.

  • 31st May - 3rd June: RCY CAMP
  • 3rd June:5 hour Shopping at Tampines 1 & Tampines Mall
  • 4th June - 13 June: In Korea with friends and brothers! XD
  • 14th June: Lunch at Downtown East's Sakura with Relatives
  • 15th June: Desi came to stay!
  • 16th June: Darius came too! We went to Lena's house, after getting lost for an hour, for stamp collection competition preparation
  • 18th June - 20th June:HLC camp
  • 22th June: Choir Arts Fiesta Preparation & Class BBQ
  • 23rd June: RCY Tree Of Life & Winnie came over for Current Affairs Discussion. Took 2 buses and met Desi at Tampines. Went shopping!
  • 24th-27th June: Stayed at Desi's house...went to do hw at Tampines 1 too noisy...then at Tampines Mall's mac...kanna chased out...took mrt to White Sands' library....finally! Took the last bus at 11.30pm to Changi Airport...to...'walk walk"... Got high with Desi and took Static photos in the bus...Currently at cousin's house for a gathering!
  • 28th June: Last Day! =.=

This Monday's Plan

  • I must NOT be spiteful!
  • I must be cheerful but...not like...too cheerful that I'll forget to stay grounded...
  • FOCUS DURING LESSONS! I wanna get my contacts!!!!
  • LIMIT COM PERIOD TO 1 hour!!!!
  • Do as I say I will do! Hai!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009 Now Playing: D.Gray-Man Soundtrack~Reunion
Hey....currently really freaked out...a freakin' roach flew in the window and scared the hell out of me before disappearing under my bed...I am so not going to sleep now...3.42am now...2 more hours to go...then I'll go swimming at 6am...I am so tired but rejuvenated! Leadership camp really freshen me up!!!! Woosh! It has overall been quite an experience....I'm going to do a short summary from my POV, so... if you want to know more... look up Fathul's, Jessica's or Nora's blog... okay...hmmm Wait! ~ to XinJie! I LOVE GORILLA <3
Day 1
I was kinda procrastinating coming at first but I thought it out and realised that I should be responsible...I have after all been selected...I shouldn't let my teachers down...besides...I'll be wasting the overseas charges that I've paid, calling Ms Vani in Australia, if I don't go...( I'm glad I did :D ) So i went to school early and yeah...I got grouped with Great leaders like Chelene, Alvin, Fathul, Kengie, LiQin, Nora, Jasmine, Cherie, Kennedy, Jessica, Lena, FengRong and Deon. XD We named our group the.... Tele-TAUPORKS !!!! Pork!!!! I was pretty reserved during the first day...for reasons unknown...first round was the blindfold game...Kennedy was leader....we won that round cause everyone felt that they could trust him to lead us to safety as we were all blindfolded. Then came the tug-of-war...we had to give in our 100% COMMITMENT. Okay...so we worked hard...but we still lost, miserably...As the game processed, everyone got really defeated and pissed off and I felt really guilty...the facils keep talking about us giving our all and that we can feel it inside but honestly, I don't feel anything at all... and everyone else looks like they're trying so hard. I did try but I'm not sure if I've tried enough. Fathul led this game and overall...we morped into a better team with closer ties after this game...Kengie was leader for the game before....and really gave us hope...she keeps encouraging us ... Chelene volunteered to be the leader next and really made us go RAWR RAWR RAWR!!!!! Yeah...so we had the ranking exercise next...was ranked bottom 3 in the group...because of my quietness...was rather crushed...but expected lah....I have no idea why... but I was really silent during the first day... Maybe it's because my close friends weren't there? But then Facil Jones said some encouraging words that made me resolved to change. So... Bernice Fighting! And I did try harder on the 2nd day! ^^ Was really smiley at night went we went on an, unfortunately uneventful nightwalk that was super boring... the toilet lights went off AGAIN when we were bathing...coincidently I was in the stall with the ventilation thing AGAIN...It was soo freaky... Made some friends within the group....
Today was better!!!! We had a confession activity...we were supposed to be resolving any conflicts with anybody...within the group... well...I cried when I opened up. I know it seems weak to some people...but I can't help it if I'm emotional right? Well, Alvin tried to convince me that I did give my 100% but...I'm still not sure...FengRong was leader for the next activity. Lunch... Lena cheered me up...and encouraged me. She believed that I could do it...Lena and Alvin have changed since this camp...I appreciate the fact that they both stepped back and gave others a chance. That's nice :D So..I was the next leader for the balloon game. It went quite well.... we adapted to change and used different strategies. I was praised! But I still feel uncomfortable when praised...that's something I must change.We did a hotseat segment...where we talked about real personal matters...Deon was the leader for the next 'hoops' challenge...wa lao...I'm still feeling the after-effects of doing 700+ squats.... Nora pushed herself to her limits. Though she could barely stand and wobbled, she preserved and managed to throw in 3 hoops at once! Wow! Good Job! :D We went to HP for dinner and we all ate KFC under the void deck. Desi and Kevan brought me extra $$$. Tele-TauPorks all sat at the parade square at night sharing our opinions on certain...unpleasant stuff. Overall, today was thumbs up!
Last day!!!! Liqin was leader and we won at last! In the last challenge... we overtooked the bus tarts ( I am not calling them bastards, that's their name) and finally won!!! We achieved balance in Relationship & Task! Went home at 12.30pm... Hs Leadership Camp has ended...I've learnt valuable lessons here...and improved my thinking. So...Potato Peepos...you needn't worry about me flaring up over little stuff ever again...See Miao Miao...be my witness!

Now for Korea trippy...Lazy to post bout the details...so here is a slideshow! Just so you know...there is no illegal parking in housing carparks there. Some cars are parked to block your car's exit. To solve the problem, push the cars out of the way. Honestly, that's what we did. The cars are extremely un-heavy. I went with my bros, non parents, to stay with friends... Click the bottom pics to see slideshow.

my slideshowKorea


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Now Playing: Gee~Girls Generation
Note: Coming Soon- Korea trip Photos. Please do not sms or call, thank you. My phone is spoilt.

Thursday, May 28, 2009 Now Playing: Smile-Lily Allen
Going on a long ~hiatus~ soon....be sure to miss me!!!! I know I will...Bleh....am not talking about results...even though i got highest for English. Take Note when i say highest, i mean highest in the level....NEVER class. The rest of the results are....sigh....not up to expectations...though i pass math...Edited my wardrobe today! I feel so fresh!!!! :D I don't get how anyone can find time to pour their sadness into blogs...I'll usually cry till I get ' one big, one small' eyes when I wake up the day after. I wouldn't have time to log on and blog about my misgivings. I'll probably ( after crying) curse the person who offended me to hell and then ignore the person for at most 2 days..Do people save and lock their miseries in their hearts so that they'll have sufficient memories to lament on their blogs about? bleh...nevermind..Have you watched the BOF 5 years later special edition???? Off my playlist at the bottom and watch!!!! The videos imply the roles the various guys....portray. Example...Goo JunPyo...if you watch the video you'll find that it...like...borders on how JanDi describes him...tough but affectionate...Vid 2WooBin...how he's like the peacemaker...Vid 1, Yi Jung and Ga Eul's love story...Vid 3...Ji Hoo and how he loved ( resigned kinda )and missed JanDi...
Ep 1 Yi Jeong

Ep 2 WooBin

Ep 3 Ji Hoo

Ep 4 Jun Pyo

Sunday, May 17, 2009 Now Playing:My thoughts are bad - SS501 내 머리가 나빠서

Wow..wow...wow....i heart 'Boys Over Flowers'!!!!! The Korean version is sooo much better than the Taiwan and Jap one!!!! No wonder Miroo loves it so much!!!!! Watched the last episode on Youtube. Really like the plot and the actors....wow.....the show really gave me the in depth of a super elite school...Eeeeee.....I'm so envious....I MUST get into my IB programme and go to an Elite University in either Asia or Europe....where, ahem , the really cute guys are...Here's another list....Am currently really into coats....why must Singapore be so hot!!!! I want to wear them to school but it's freaking hot outside....

The Cutest Fictional Guys In My Life So Far

1. Yoon Ji Hoo-Boys Over Flowers

2.Hannibal Lector-Hannibal Rising

3.Jasper Hale-Twilight

4. So Yi Jung - Boys Over Flowers

5.James Potter( book ) - Harry Potter

6.Remus Lupin(book) - Harry Potter
Another List!!!!!
The Sweetest Fictional Couples
Yi Jung&Ga Eul-Boys Over Flowers

James Potter&Lily Evans

3rd Generation Family!!!

Remus Lupin&Tonks

Do you find that Remus Lupin( during his Hogwart days in the book)kinda looks like ( only in fanarts) Yoon JiHoo?

The End....

The Marauders Rule!!!!!^^They are kinda like the f4 in Boys Over Flowers..


April 2009 / May 2009 / June 2009 / August 2009 /