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Thursday, May 28, 2009 Now Playing: Smile-Lily Allen Going on a long ~hiatus~ sure to miss me!!!! I know I not talking about results...even though i got highest for English. Take Note when i say highest, i mean highest in the level....NEVER class. The rest of the results are....sigh....not up to expectations...though i pass math...Edited my wardrobe today! I feel so fresh!!!! :D I don't get how anyone can find time to pour their sadness into blogs...I'll usually cry till I get ' one big, one small' eyes when I wake up the day after. I wouldn't have time to log on and blog about my misgivings. I'll probably ( after crying) curse the person who offended me to hell and then ignore the person for at most 2 days..Do people save and lock their miseries in their hearts so that they'll have sufficient memories to lament on their blogs about? bleh...nevermind..Have you watched the BOF 5 years later special edition???? Off my playlist at the bottom and watch!!!! The videos imply the roles the various guys....portray. Example...Goo JunPyo...if you watch the video you'll find that on how JanDi describes him...tough but affectionate...Vid he's like the peacemaker...Vid 1, Yi Jung and Ga Eul's love story...Vid 3...Ji Hoo and how he loved ( resigned kinda )and missed JanDi... Ep 1 Yi Jeong Ep 2 WooBin Ep 3 Ji Hoo Ep 4 Jun Pyo 0 comments Sunday, May 17, 2009 Now Playing:My thoughts are bad - SS501 내 머리가 나빠서 heart 'Boys Over Flowers'!!!!! The Korean version is sooo much better than the Taiwan and Jap one!!!! No wonder Miroo loves it so much!!!!! Watched the last episode on Youtube. Really like the plot and the show really gave me the in depth of a super elite school...Eeeeee.....I'm so envious....I MUST get into my IB programme and go to an Elite University in either Asia or Europe....where, ahem , the really cute guys are...Here's another list....Am currently really into coats....why must Singapore be so hot!!!! I want to wear them to school but it's freaking hot outside.... The Cutest Fictional Guys In My Life So Far 1. Yoon Ji Hoo-Boys Over Flowers 2.Hannibal Lector-Hannibal Rising
![]() 5.James Potter( book ) - Harry Potter 6.Remus Lupin(book) - Harry Potter Another List!!!!! The Sweetest Fictional Couples Yi Jung&Ga Eul-Boys Over Flowers James Potter&Lily Evans
Remus Lupin&Tonks Do you find that Remus Lupin( during his Hogwart days in the book)kinda looks like ( only in fanarts) Yoon JiHoo? The End.... The Marauders Rule!!!!!^^They are kinda like the f4 in Boys Over Flowers.. 0 commentsSaturday, May 16, 2009 Now Playing: Thinking Of You-Katy Perry Good Morning my Lords and Ladies,
I, also known as Midsummer Lady, am proud to declare...that....I Am A Hopeless Romantic! Blame Lily Evans/James Potter fanfictions...they are so dreamy...Take this one for example, Philologus , wow...this story is so cute....I like how the author changed the setting to a non-magical school called H.W Academy and transformed the magical beings into nobles...There is a ranking system within which separate a privilege few as Elites that will eventually become part of the King's court. Sounds familiar? Either way, I really like the idea of the ranking boosts morals. I shall like to be in that school....I'm going to use this as my motivation. Study hard to get to the top! My results are mediocre now...though better than the previous year's. I must start learning! I have the ideas and the notes and a $3000+ secret to learning. Unfortunately, I don't have the discipline. Lappy, it's your fault! Really happy bout my A1 for Math paper 1 though. It's my second time passing and first A1! So, you see, I just have to start studying three days in advance....I finally gotten rid of my only C, I'll just have to get rid of the B and then it's straight As for me...I'm looking forward to that...Another touching LE/JP tale, Underneath This Smile , tells of an abused Lily Evans and how James Potter rescued her and so romantic, I swoon every time JP consoles and hug Lily Evan. This tragic tale made me cry and is definitely worth reading. Okays, school life time....Well...the SAs are still in progress...pretty sure I'll ace them...going well so far....My schedule's packed...unfortunately I'm on for so many activities that I've forgot when they are held...:P Let's sort this 31st got 4 days RCY camp right? I forgot the other may activities...bbq today, b'day on mon...anymore? June, continue with RCY camp, parents meet night, RI campfire...6 June, Current Affairs briefing...The entire June to prepare for competition. Stamp competition, entire June to prepare Rocket too...July...presentation of pet rocket and current affairs, August, two NSW writing and English...I forgot whens the date for that Forever 21 trip with XinJie and class bbq date too...abseiling too...forgot the date for the leadership camp:P...
Signing off now... 0 commentsMonday, May 11, 2009 Now Playing: Stuck with Each Other~ Shontelle ft Akon Hope is a waking dream ~Aristotle Well....this entire post will be dedicated to the oh-so-wonderful IB programme, the academic achievements of my youngest bro and the wonders of Jagabee!!!!!^^I luv Oyster porridge....hehe Okays....I have decided to go to ACS(I)'s IB, S'pore's best:D Laura, En En, See Miao & Jas are trying too!!!! Searched for ACS(I) on Youtube and Google, the videos and info there really increased my interest in ACS! It's nice reading about how others, wrestle about whether to go to ACS's IB programme or other JCs...We're in for some tough competition though, most of them are from elite schools and I feel very zibei seeing that I'm from a neighbourhood school and they're like so....elite-like. I must buck up! My bro is taking his gifted exam in August, he wants to go to IB too...yay!!!! We can be together^^I even did the law of attraction stuff and printed a pic of ACS(I) for motivation. :P must be wondering what IB is right?'s a list!
Wow...I MUST get in!!!!!!! Next Jagabee!!!! I luv this uber salty french fries/potato chips snack!!!! They rule!!!! They are crispy, uber salty, super filling and my fav snack for this year!!!!! TRY JAGABEE, for an everlasting sensation *Grins, showing off uber white teeth 0 commentsApril 2009 / May 2009 / June 2009 / August 2009 / |