name / / facebook a short description about yourself? Something like this would be good. Just some words and just some texts. www www www www www www www www credits: skinofrazorfluxflickr / razorflux / xstacy |
Sunday, April 26, 2009 Now Playing - Freakshow~Britney Spears drama...I can't believe my two bros are at it again. I'll rather have 1 sister, preferably elder....:P I really need to start studying and I will! This is just a post to convince me to study...:P Capitalism is an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are privately owned. Some people do not support capitalism...especially the Marxists a.k.a so called communists. In short, Capitalism is selfish, since some people would definitely not help the poor with their money ( Excluding the good philanthropists ) but Marxism is also bad, since most countries that support this, do not follow through with their laws. They rob the rich to give to the poor. This in turn is bad for the supposed neither is good? How about liberalism? And the others? 0 comments Saturday, April 25, 2009 Now playing :Knock Knock~Lenka Wow, nobody corrected me for that mistake in the last post :P Cause nobody read it...:( English Paper 1 was quite fun...though my mind was a blank for the 1st period ( 10.50-11.30) I went through a draft for the proposal writing but found it sucky so I redid it! :D I snapped out of my reverie at 11.30 and started redoing the proposal...then proceeded to the section 1. Erm...i choose Qn.1 What did you do after failing something that you have worked very hard for? I originally chose Qn.2 but got stuck. So...i redid it! So i did No.1....time was 12 when I finished...Checked my work and realised that No.1 2nd & 3rd paragraph seemed funny, so...i redid it! Again. Time was 12.20 when I finished. :D Fast right? I know.^^ Well...went for the leadership course afterwards, representing Red Cross....Saw a lot of familiar peeps, sat with Laura, Michelle & Jiayi...It was overall, extremely enriching... The JC Lightbulb Joke( no offence ) Q: How many RJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: 4 whole faculties. One to design the new bulb, one to manufacture and test it out, one to write a proposal on it and one to market it. Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: The whole school. To compete with RJC. Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: The whole school. One student to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and banners to give him/her support. Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They can study without light. Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs. Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They'll rather use all their money to employ YJC to do it for them. Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. Only one teacher to tell them what a light bulb is in the first place and to demonstrate how to change the light bulb. (So how do you think they're able to change it for ACJC?) Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: They'll prefer it to be darker. (Hmmmm?*raises eye-brows* ) Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. Their physics is so bad that they made their macho male physics teacher cry. Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. Would they even bother? Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They believe in praying for it. Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They are still using oil lamps. Serious. Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: Huh, what litebarb? Q: How many PJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: Heck the light bulb lah, the principal would do something about the rightbarbs. Let's do 300 jumping jacks for not wearing the proper school attire. Q: How many MJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They are too busy trying to get promoted. Q: How many IJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They are Innovians. They'll find ways out of the dark. Q: Who wrote all this?A: A TJCian. Q: How many TJC students does it take to change a light bulb?A: None. They think they are already very bright. 0 comments Thursday, April 23, 2009 On my Playlist: Hot & Cold~Katy Perry This gave him a curious feeling that he'd never quite experienced. Something like indigestion but quite a bit more...pleasant. ~Ian Kabra, The 39 clues, book 3 Jiayi introduced me to the 39 clues and now i'm completely addicted to Amy and Dan's adventures!!! Ian & Amy look so sweet together...awwww. Oh well, I've decidedly decided to stay single for the rest of my life till i meet someone like Campbell Alexander in My Sister's Keeper or Ian Kabra from the 39 clues.... ever noticed that they're all fictional characters? Wow...I finally understand why Agatha Christie is so famous le...her books rule!!!!! Currently trying to read Detective Poirot series before advancing to Ms/Mrs Marple...Detective Poirot is pretty conceited...Finish 3 in the series so a record 3 days...5 - 300 pgs books- in 3 days! And no, I did not skim through! I'll punch you if you even suggest that! i just skipped my Hw, didn't study and read during dinner,while bathing, during recess, math and Chinese that's all...Grrrr... Have anyone read Forgotten Fire? It's about the Armenian Genocide? Omg, I really enjoy reading survivor accounts of the various wars...they do make me shed some tears...the stories usually tell of how they survived the war while everyone they knew died a terrible death. It may sound fictional...the grotesque killings by various may find it hard to believe that such people truly exist in the world, but it's true. Your neighbour, with his kindly blue eyes and free sweets might actually be planning the extermination of a million Armenians...I don't get it really, why are ppl like Hitler so bias towards other religions? So much that they'll stop at nothing to exterminate every single of the religion? What did they ever do to them anyway? You can't judge an entire religion just because of something a single black sheep did! I don't think that the Armenians and Jews deserved to die...It's unfair! I'm sure some of those more mature peeps interested in history and politics might think that an amateur sociologist/ political scientist like me am only spouting nonsense, but I must discuss this as part of my learning... I read the revolutionary Animal Farm last year, that got me interested in sounded nice at first, I mean like preventing the exploitation of the working class and a class-less society. Preventing men from dominating women is a plus too=PThen I realised that Marxism = communism....right? But then they are different branches of Marxism...are they all radicals? Definition of communism = Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an classless based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. That's good right? But my mom said that Communist don't usually follow their own rules...a.k.a they rob from the rich to provide for the poor. This isn't nice. I am not naming examples but you should be able to guess the countries...What about Capitalism and liberalism then? I am really interested in this type of please let me know if you have more info. :D
Friday, April 17, 2009 Navi @ sides <= A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. ~Leo Buscaglia The concert went okay I supposed...I didn't get to see it!!! Sad....Hung out backstage with the rest of the Choir...Clovis is a very nice boy to disturb...hehe :P Minus the fact that he hits heads, is sarcastic and has a tendency to step on my hand or kick me... Violent guy...tsk tsk...Sang the wrong verse during the concert! Thankfully no one heard....cause the rest of the Choir also sang the wrong verse..:P Met up with Mrs Lai & Ms Vani after the concert to talk about my missing money and tomorrow's FA. I guess my money is gone forever....Went to Humans afterwards and joined the stamp collecting thing again.... Everyone seems to be in a happy mood today...they should play song dedications everyday! Smiles would definitely be guaranteed^^ I love my secondary school life! With the whirlwind of activities....and friends...My friends are the ones that cheer me up considerably...they save me seats and watch my back...they say hello when I pass...they put up with my sometimes foul temper...I love...
Labels: I luv my friends and ccas 0 commentsThursday, April 16, 2009 Navigations at side <= The past few days were real hectic...what with the rehearsal and everything...I really heart my ccas!!!! Though they cause lack of sleep and super stress...I really do not want to give up my ccas when i graduate...Well, the rehearsal for the International Friendship Day rules!!!! Though it makes us stay back till seven, it's still uber fun...Choir's supposed to be back-up singers for Oh 老师...singing a Coco. Lee song...I loveee it...Well, spent 2 hours writing the story for the ebook competition...though the deadline was 2 days*t...please accept my application!!!! I want to join the Elementz thing for SRC...but teach said that it'll clash with pet rocket....:( Red Cross FA duty @ HQ this Sat...sad...didn't get the proposal...cries* Oh results le...overall, i think it's better than my CA, cause i passed math!!!! though less As... English: A1 History:A1!!! did Dominic get full marks!!! Homec: B4 Science: B3...1 more mark till A:( Math: C5...see from F9 to C5....:) In 3 days.. ![]() Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Another quiz from See Miang!=) Below 40 = not girly Above 40 = girly Above 55 = Paris Hilton [ ] My fingernails/toenails are almost always painted. [ ] During the summer pretty much the only shoes I wear are flip flops. [ ] My favorite toy as a child were barbies. [ ] My favorite color is pink or purple. (i like purple but not pink okay.) [/] I took dance. [/] I love skirts [/] Shops at the mall [ ] Tight jeans are the only jeans Ill wear [/]I love chocolate Total so far: Four [ ]straightened my hair. [/] I have at least 8 facebook pictures. [ ] I usually go shopping once a week. [/] I love to hang out with friends. [ ] I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace. [ ] I've gone to a tanning salon. [ ] I've gone to the beach to tan - not to swim. [/] I have at least 10 pairs of shoes. [/]I watch(ed) either The OC, Laguna Beach OR Desperate Housewives. [ ] I change my profile weekly. [/] I have worn a shower cap. Total so far: Nine! [ ] I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic. [ ] My cell phone might as well become a part of me. [ ] I wear mascara everyday. [ ] I've been or am on a diet. [ ] Bathing suits are adorable. [ ] I don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat. [/] Tattoos are Gross. [/] I have gotten my nails done. [ ] I own over 10 purses. [ ] Much Music is my one of my favorite channels. Total so far: Te...eleven [/] I like to talk about boys.( Nothing good ) [] I love to have other people do my hair. [ ] I like to give and receive hugs from all my friends. [/] I hate bugs. [/] Carnivals are so fun! [ ] Summer is THE best season. [ ] My swimsuit has 2 pieces. [ ] I'm waiting for my knight in shining armor. [ ] Musicians are hot [ ] You write me a poem and tell me I'm beautiful and I'm all yours! Total so far: 4teen [/] I'm self-conscious. [/] I cry often. [ ] My room smells like vanilla. [/] My dishes get washed more than once a week. [ ] I don't do sports. [ ] I HATE to run. [ ] I squeal when I am surprised. [ ] I eat dried fruit as a snack. [/] Has seen and read Twilight series. [ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute. Total so far: Seventeen [/] I dance a lot. [/] I usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house. [/] I love to get dressed up! [ ] Every part of my outfit needs to match. [/] I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends. [ ] I'd love to have a photo shoot of myself. [ ] The price on clothes hardly matters. [ ] I apply lipgloss 50 times a day. [ ] I wish I were a model. Total so far: 20 [ ] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton [ ] I wanted or have been something that was slutty on Halloween. [ ] R&B is the best music. [ ] I pop my collar. [ ] Guys with Mohawks are GROSS! [ ] Horses are beautiful. [ ] I never pay attention in school. [ ] Puppies are adorable. Total so far: Still 20...not all puppies are cute... [/] I speak IM. [ ] I would love to visit Hawaii. [ ] Valentine's day is so cute! [/] White is better than black. [ ] I wouldn't be caught dead in all black. [ ] My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes. [/] I hate the grunge look of a beard. [/] I love flowers. Total so far: 2 4 [/] I love to doodle. [ ] I love Celine Dion. [ ] My baths are 2 hours long. [ ] My wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned. [ ] My friends and I are in a strict group. We mostly only hang out with each other. [ ] I like kids. [ ] Diet drinks are the best. [] I have been a vegetarian before. [ ] I refuse to eat at McDonald's. Total so far: 25! [/] I check my facebook everyday. [ ] I have a lot of jewellery. [ ] Only has gold jewelry. [ ] My screen name(s) has x's in them. [ ] One of my msn names had <3/♥'s> [/] I would never want to be the opposite sex. [ ] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed. Overall Total: 27!!!!Not girly.... 0 comments Sunday, April 12, 2009 A really cute music video...Beautiful, Dirty and Rich by Lady GaGa...Totally addicted to Gossip Girl...Blair and Serena's dressing... recently... Blair got me attached to headbands!!! I'm now buying them in bulk le....:P ![]() Real dumb commercial.. Hahaz.. 0 comments Friday, April 10, 2009 3rd post and counting...Hello!!!!! Whoosh...went out with Rui Min & Yee En today....Potato people rule!!!! See Miang & Jaslyn couldn't come...sad:( I could really do with their advice...Kay...first took 72 to Yio Chu Kang Station, then took Mrt to Orchard... Walked up and down Orchard...called Laura for company....she couldn't come....ended up in Far East Plaza after a wasted an hour of walking up and down... wait! I wore a blue denim skirt with a white polo tee and a hooded black esprit flats and a tartan headband...sounds familiar right? Yups...Gossip Girl...:P we walked around Far East...pretty boring...bought a beige blouse with a pink and white Cami...spent half and hour in Chameleon...looking at accessories...bought a black headband for school...another pink one...and a long necklace with a ribbon and a cat...Rui Min & Yee En bought a brown cat necklace for me as an early b'day present....thanks!!!!!:D In the end we spent 2 hours in Far East...time was now about 5+...raining...took a bus to Punggol...oops wrong bus....took bus 3 to White Sands..alighted at the wrong stop...took 15 and finally reached Tampines 1. Time was now 6.45. Rushed to find a place to eat. None. wasted half an hour. Ended up @ Mac. Went around....really no time le so rushed....bought black flats there. Really wanted to see the new Uniqlo....but extremely long queue...a lot of really great shops @ affordable prices...too bad it was now 8+ must rush home...took Mrt to Hougang Mall then 72...time day....I wanna go back to Tampines 1!!!!! Perhaps in June? With See Miao & Jas this time..more people!!! Well....ending post now...wish me luck...for tomorrow's AOP... 0 comments Wednesday, April 8, 2009 2nd post!!! Finally found my perfect blog skin!!!! Nice right? Navigation at the side <- Stayed till 6 for the FA thing...we had the com lab to ourselves...ended up finishing the content page and the title page of the proposal in one hr....boy do my eyes hurt like hell....itchy itch....must start studying for SA le...first week of May...7 chaps of science...6 of math and 8 of history.....sigh* Here with an ulterior motive are my findings after close observation...Inference: Boys are horny idiots Evidence: They lean forward, mouth open, tongue hanging out, eyes glued to the screen, breathe shallow breaths and swallow a lot when they see a movie about a girl stripping.... LOL! Analysis: All these happened when we were watching Hairspray in the music room in the DARK...i was the only one who looked around and saw the reaction of those horny masochists...HAHAHAHA...You should have seen those faces! They kept me laughing for a long time...BTW, there's an Easter egg hunt in Pet Society, go see! her videos...they're extremely random... 0 comments Tuesday, April 7, 2009 New link!!!! rather prefer this new name to the previous 2 hours looking for the perfect bs but they either couldn't work or i changed my mind afterwards..ended up not changing anything....sigh* let's start up this new blog with a quiz! Courtesy of See Miao... One Hundred Truths :D 001. Real name: Bernice Nickname(s) : ms potato nissy!!! 003. Birth Date: May 18 004. Zodiac sign: Tauras 005. Male or female: female fatale 006. Elementary: YZPS 007. Middle School: YZPS 008. High School: Hs 010. Hair color: Black 011. Long or short: chin length 012. Loud or Quiet: CAN YOU HEAR ME??? 013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans. 014. Phone or Camera: Phone comes with a camera 015. Health Freak: nope 016. Drink or Smoke:Neither 017. Do you have a crush on someone: NIL! See Miao...i no longer remember who that cute judo guy- from another sch who i only saw once -is! 018. Eat or Drink: I eat and drink to survive 019. Piercings: too afraid... 020. Tattoos : touch wood... 021. Righty or lefty: right 022. First surgery: no 023. First piercings: pierced by a stapler bullet? 024. First friend: er... 025. First award: forgot 026. First pet: Fishey 027. First vacation: Malaysia... 028. First teacher: Forgot 029. First sport: er... 030. First crush: not telling NOW: 049. Eating: pasta 050. Drinking: saliva 052. I'm about to: get scolded 053. Listening to: "spiderman talking 054. Plans for today: Finish this and have my dinner 055. Waiting for: my bro's friend to buzz off FUTURE: 058. Want kids?: Adopt 059. Want to get married?: Nope...boys are disgusting creatures.... 060. Careers in mind: Sociologist & investor, Pychologist & investor, political scientist... 068. Lips or eyes: eyes... 070. Shorter or taller?: Taller 072. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous 073. Nice stomach or nice arms: I don't want a beer belly!!! 074. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 075. Hook-up or relationship: hmmm... 076. Trouble maker or hesitant: maybe...either one? HAVE YOU EVER: 080. Lost glasses/contacts:yes No.081. Ran away from home: thought of... 082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: not for self defence... 083. Killed somebody: No thanks... 084. Broken someone's heart: Who? 087. Cried when someone died: I only cry when it's fictional and not real.. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 089. Yourself: Of Course... 090. Miracles: I believe in flying pigs... 091. Love at First Sight: Never loved at anyone at first sight before...more likely infatuation... 092. Heaven: Why don't you die first and tell me later... 093. Santa Claus: Yes! I truthfully believe in he listening??? 094. Sex on the first date: nope 095. Kiss on the first date: nope ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now: ALONE! 098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: Let me be less wasteful... 099. Do you believe in God: yes. 100. Post as 100 truths and tag 15 people: Everyone! 0 comments April 2009 / May 2009 / June 2009 / August 2009 / |